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一、《Move Up》版块介绍


Song: 优美动听的英语歌曲,旨在让学生在每一单元的学习之初,放松身心,感受英语世界的乐趣。
Dialog 1: 单元的主体部分,简短有趣的对话加上手绘风格的背景图画,贴近学生生活。
Word: 列出单元重点词汇,并配以趣味图片帮助学生理解和记忆。
Dialog 2: 对Dialog 1部分的对话进行角色扮演和扩展。
Practice: 为学生提供拓展练习的素。
Chant: 动感活泼的英语儿歌,帮助学生在每一单元的学习之后,巩固复习。
Letters and Sound: 字母教学,带入自然拼读


Action: 简单实用的课堂及生活用语指令,帮助学生更好地用英语与他人交流;
Language corner:  汇总本单元知识点,帮助学生全面理解重难点;
practice: 分为practice 1和practice 2,有针对性地复习巩固本单元的重难点;


二、《Move Up》系列教材各级别学习对象及学习内容

   级 别 学习对象 学习内容
 1-2 年级无英语基础或基础较差无学习兴趣的学生。 1.学习比较简单的颜色、数字、教室用品、食物饮料、身体部位、人物名称、方位等 200个左右词汇。
3.学习 26 个字母的基本发音及对应的自然拼读发音。
Book 3   有一点英语基础,会读写26个
字母,能认读200 个左右词汇与部分简单句子的学生。
1.学习家庭成员、地点名词、形容词、节日等200个词汇,总量可达 500 个词汇左右。
3.复习字母基本发音,学习 a, e, i, o 四个元音发音。
Book 4   有英语基础并具有 400 个左右词汇或学完《Move Up》
Book 1的学生。
3.复习字母基本发音,深入学习 a, e, i, o,u 五个元音发音。
Book 5   具有600个左右词汇量,并能流利听说与认读部分简单句子的学生。 1.对于教室用品、身体部位、食物、水果等名词进行扩展学习,同时学习动物等200个词汇。词汇积累可达900左右。
3.继续学习 26 个字母组合发音。
Book 6  具有800个左右词汇量 , 能认读句子或文段,具备一定听说读写
3.继续学习 26 个字母组合发音。
Book 7   具有1000词汇量,能写语法基本 正确的句子,具备 较好听说读写能力的学生。 1.对于家庭成员、食物、形容词进行扩展,同时学习不同房间、人物职业等200个词汇,总量可达1300左右。
 Book 8   具有1200词汇量,能写语法正确的句子,阅读短文。具备较好听说读写能力的学生。 1.深入学习学科、数字、城市名称、序数词、衣物等200个词汇,词汇积累可达1500左右。

三、《Move Up》与国家课程标准的对比说明

1.      有关国家课程标准的说明

2.      国家课程标准对语言知识的描述

级别 知识 目标描述
二级 语音
  1. 知道错误的发音会影响交际;
  2. 知道字母名称读音;
  3. 了解简单的拼读规律;
  4. 了解单词有重音;
  5. 语音清楚,语调自然。
  1. 学习有关本级话题范围的600-700个单词和50个左右的习惯用语;
  2. 了解单词是由字母构成的。
  1. 知道名词有单复数形式;
  2. 知道主要人称代词的区别;
  3. 知道动词在不同情况下会有形式上的变化;
  4. 了解表示时间、地点和位置的介词;
  5. 了解英语简单句的基本形式和表意功能。
功能 了解问候、告别、感谢、致歉、介绍、请求等交际功能的基本表达形式。
话题 能理解和表达有关下列话题的简单信息:数字、颜色、时间、天气、食品、服装、玩具、动植物、身体、个人情况、家庭、学校、朋友、文体活动、节日等。


级别 知识 目标描述
五级 语音
  1. 了解语言在语言学习中的意义;
  2. 了解英语语包括发音、重音、连读、语调、节奏等内容;
  3. 在日常生活会话中做到语音、语调基本正确、自然、流畅;
  4. 根据重音和语调的变化理解和表达不同的意图和态度;
  5. 根据读音拼写单词和短语。
  1. 了解英语词汇包括单词、短语、习惯用语和固定搭配等形式;
  2. 理解和领悟词语的基本含意以及在特定语境中的意义;
  3. 运用词汇描述事物、行为的特征,说明概念等;
  4. 学会使用1500-1600个的单词和200-300个习惯用语或固定搭配。
  1. 了解常用语言形式的基本结构和常用表意功能;
  2. 在实际运用中体会和老领悟语言形式的表意功能;
  3. 理解和掌握描述人和物的表达方式;
  4. 理解和掌握描述具体事件和具体行为的发生、发展过程的表达方式;
  5. 初步掌握描述时间、地点、方位的表达方式;
  6. 理解、掌握比较人、物体及事物的表达方式。
  1. 在日常生活中恰当理解和表达问候、告别、感谢、介绍等交际功能;
  2. 在日常人际交往中有效地进行表达。
  1. 熟悉与学生个人、家庭和学校生活密切相关的话题;
  2. 熟悉有关日常生活、兴趣爱好、风俗习惯、科学文化等方面的话题。

3.     总体比较

1)  国家课程标准中二、五级语言知识目标中要求掌握的话题,在《Move Up》各级别中基本都有所体现。只是《标准》二级话题中提到了动植物, 《Move Up》各级别中出现的动物话题较多,但植物的话题相对较少。
2) 《Move Up》中出现的有关职业的话题(Book 5),《标准》二、五级话题目标中没有做明确要求,而是在八级目标中提出。

4.    分级别比较

1) 《标准》二级话题中提出了15个话题,《Move Up》8册书中涉及到了14个,只有“植物”
话题相对较少。这一话题在Super Kids三级中有所体现。
2) 《标准》二级为六年级结束时应达到的基本要求,而《Move Up》8册书的要求为小学4年级结束时应达到的水平,所以从整体来讲,《Move Up》的难度会更高一些,对于学生语言运用的要求也
3) 《标准》中针对的学生年龄为1-6年级,而《Move Up》中的Starter Book 1和Starter Book 2是专门针对幼小衔接的学生。相比之下《Move Up》的分级更细致,也更科学精确。

  • 语法项目及句型结构比较

《标准》二级涉及的语法项目,《Move Up》教材中除了动词的变形,其他全部有所体现。而动词的变形将会在和《Move Up》衔接的《魔耳少儿情景英语》7-10册中有所涉及和讲解。

5.    功能意念比较

《标准》二级涉及的功能项目,《Move Up》教材中全部有所体现。

6.      词汇比较

《标准》二级对词汇的要求是600-700个单词和50个左右的习惯用语。《Move Up》到Book 2积累词汇就涉及了700个单词和习惯用语,Starter Book至Book 6的八册共涉及了1500个左右,而加上衔接《Move Up》的7-10册,全套教材共涉及了5000个左右的词汇,远远超过了 《标准》二级对词汇的要求。

7.      概论

  1. 《Move Up》的Starter Book至Book 4涉及到的话题基本能达到国家课程标准对二级话题的要求。
  2. 《Move Up》的Book 5至《魔耳少儿情景英语》10册涉及到的话题基本能达到国家课程标准对五级话题的要求。
  3. 《Move Up》对功能、语法和词汇的要求已超出了《标准》二级的要求,但与《标准》五级相比,还有一定的差距。需要和《魔耳少儿情景英语》7-10册进行衔接。
  4. 《Move Up》所有内容对本国文化、生活等内容涉及较少。
  5. 《Move Up》的分级和内容安排层层递进,且每新的一册都会对上一册的内容有所复习,帮助学生加强记忆,不易遗忘。



Unit Language Focus Topics and Vocabulary Letters and Sound
Unit 1  First day to school Good morning, Ms. Li.
Hello!/ Hi! I’m ______.
morning, afternoon, evening Aa-apple, ant
Bb-book, boy
Unit 2  Meet new friends I’m Sue. What’s your name?
My name is Will.
How are you?
I’m fine, thanks!/ Very well, thanks.
Sue, Andy, Bill, Lily Cc-cat, car
Dd-dog, dirty
Unit 3  School life What’s this/that?
It’s a/an ____.
book, crayon, pencil, pen Ee-egg, elephant
Ff- foot, face
Unit 4  Ready for school I have a/an ________. pencil box, ruler, schoolbag, eraser Gg-girl, game
Hh-happy, hot
Revision 1 Aa-Hh
Unit 5  My face Touch your _____.
This is my ______.
eye, nose, mouth, ear Ii-insect, ink
Jj-juice, jam
Unit 6  Yummy Fruit Do you like _____?
Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.
apple, pear, banana, orange Kk-kite, kid
Ll-long, leg
Unit 7  Numbers How many ______ are there?
There are ____ ______.
1-10 Mm-milk, mouse
Nn-nose, nurse
Unit 8  Colors What colors is it?
It’s ______.
blue, green, red, yellow, black Oo-orange, otter
Pp-pig, pink
Revision 2 Ii-Pp


Unit Language Focus Topics and Vocabulary Letters and Sound
Unit 1
Toy shop
Can I have a ______?
Sure. Here you are. / Sorry, no.
ball, doll, bear, plane, train Q-queen, quiet
R-rabbit, rose
Unit 2
Look! My dress!
I like your _______.
Thank you.
dress, T-shirt, pants, shirt S-snail, snow
T-tea, tiger
Unit 3
My home
Where is my schoolbag?
It’s on/under/in the _____.
on, under, in
chair, table, sofa, TV
U-umbrella, uncle
V-vest, vet
Unit 4
My room
What’s behind the door?
A _______.
near, behind
light, bed, door, box
W-water, wet
X-fox, ax
Revision 1 Q-X
Unit 5
I’m hungry
I’m hungry. I want _______ and _______.
Here you are.
rice, noodles, eggs, fish Y-yak, yo-yo
Z-zip, zoo
Unit 6
I’m thirsty
I’m thirsty/ hungry.
Do you want _______?
Yes, please./ No, thanks.
coke, lemonade, pizza, chicken A-M
Unit 7
Beautiful sky
Look! I see ______.
What color is it?
It is ______.
white, brown, cloud, tree N-Z
Unit 8
I can spell
What’s this? It’s a book.
Spell “book”. “B-o-o-k.”
Very good!
blackboard, desk, teacher, student A-Z
Revision 2


Language Focus Topics and Vocabulary TPR Letters and Sound
Unit 1
My family
Who’s he/she?
He/ She is my ________.
mother, father, brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather Hug your mother.
Kiss your father.
a- hat, bag
Unit 2
Boys and girls
What’s his/her name?
His/ Her name is ________.
Who is he/she? He/she is ________.
name, school, classroom, classmate, friend Open the door.
Close the window.
e-hen, bell
Unit 3
My friends
What does she/ he look like?
She/ He is _______.
She/ He has _________.
thin, fat, small, big, tall, short Clap your hands.
Touch your eyes.
i- sit, hill
Unit 4
In the park
There is a ________ in the park.
There are _______ in the park.
park, grass, lake, flower, sky, sun Throw the ball.
Catch the ball.
o-hop, top
Revision 1
Unit 5
Where I live
Where are you going?
I’m going to the _______.
hospital, playground, library, post office
(Review: school, park)
Drive a car.
Fly a plane.
u-bug, run
Unit 6
Go out
Where is _____?
He/She is at the ________.
bookstore, supermarket, restaurant, shopping mall Line up.
Pass me the milk.
a, e, i, o, u
Unit 7
Best wishes
Here is a _____ for you. Thank you.
Here are some ______ for you.
present, card, plant, candy, cupcake, cookie Cut the paper.
Color it pink.
cake, make
Unit 8
Merry Christmas! You too.
Happy New Year!
Christmas tree, star Christmas, Chinese New Year, Santa Claus Decorate the tree.
Sing a song.
i_e: bike, like
Revision 2
Story Time Goldilocks and the three bears


Language Focus Topics and Vocabulary TPR Letters and Sound
Unit 1
My day
When do you _____ everyday?
I _______ at ________.
get up, go to school, brush my teeth, wash my face, go home, go to bed Put on your T-shirt.
Take off your shoes.
o_e: note, rope
Unit 2
What time is it?
What time is it?
It’s ______.
11-15, 20, 30, 40, 50 Count to 10.
Count the cars.
u_e: cube, cute
Unit 3
Time to play
It’s _______(time).
It’s time to ________.
Breakfast, lunch, dinner, play football, go swimming Come here.
Go there.
e: we, me
Unit 4
Can you __________?
Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.
fly a kite, ride a bike, skip rope, make a model plane, make a snowman Draw a circle.
Draw a line.
er: computer, paper
Revision 1
Unit 5
What’s the weather like today?
It’s _________. I need ________.
warm, cool, cold, sunglasses, coat, sweater
(review hot)
Hang up your coat.
Put away your bag.
ir: bird, circle
Unit 6
A sunny day
It’s _____ and ______.
Let’s _________ and _______.
rainy, cloudy, snowy, windy, sunny Turn right.
Turn left.
ur: purple, fur
Unit 7
What’s your favorite season?
_________. It’s _______.
spring, summer, autumn, winter, four seasons Wash your hands. Pass me the towel. ar: farm, market
Unit 8
Days of the week
What day is today?
Today is ________.
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Turn around.
al: wall, talk
Revision 2
Story Time The wind and the sun


Language Focus Topics and Vocabulary TPR Letters and Sounds
Unit 1
Nice to meet you!
This is my _____.
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you, too.
baby sister, best friend, neighbor, cousin, pet Shake hands.
Take a bow.
or: horse, story
Unit 2
I like to draw.
I have a/an ________. Me too.
I have some _________.
paint brush, paint brushes, marker, markers, color pencil, color pencils Pick up your marker.
Put down your eraser.
le: people, little
Unit 3
My body
Look at my _______.
This is the _______.
head, arm, hand,
shoulder, knee, toe
Shake your head.
Stamp your feet.
ai: rain, tail
Unit 4
I like animals.
What are these/ those? They are _______.
Cool! I like it/_______(s).
monkey, rhino, giraffe,
lion, snake, butterfly
Bend over.
Walk three steps.
ay: say, day
Revision 1
Unit 5
Let’s eat!
Can I have some _____? Here you are.
Thank you. You’re welcome.
bread, cheese, chocolate,
salad, spaghetti, soup
Pull the door.
Push the door.
sh: shell, ship
Unit 6
Fruit market
Have some _______. Thank you!
I’d like some ______, please.
Here you are.
grapes, kiwi, pineapple,
strawberry, watermelon, lemon
Cut the lemon.
Peel the banana.
ch: chick, children
Unit 7
How many?
How many _______?
plate, bowl, fork,
spoon, knife, chopsticks
Wipe the table.
Sweep the floor.
ph: phone, photo
Unit 8
Happy birthday
Happy birthday! Thank you.
How old are you?
I’m _______(years old).
balloon, candle, clown,
gift, birthday hat, lollipop
Wash the bowl.
Dry the plate.
wh: whale, wheel
Revision 2
Story time Hansel and Gretel

五.《Move Up》与人教材知识点分布对比

Book 1 Book 2 Book 3 Book 4 Book 5
Unit 1 Unit 1 Unit 1 Unit 1 Unit 1
First day to school Toy shop My family My day Nice to meet you
一上: starter 一下: U3 二上: U1 二下: U5 三上: U1/U2
Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2
Meet new friends Look! My dress! Boys and girls Time l like to draw
一上: starter 一下: U6 二上: U2 二下: U4 三上: U1
Unit 3 Unit 3 Unit 3 Unit 3 Unit 3
School life My home My friends Time to … My body
一上:U3 一下: U1 二上: U3 二下: U4 三上: U3
Unit 4 Unit 4 Unit 4 Unit 4 Unit 4
Read for school My room In the park Playtime I like animals
一上:U1 一下: U2 二上: U5 二下: U1 三上: U4
Revision 1 Revision 1 Revision 1 Revision 1 Revision 1
Unit 5 Unit 5 Unit 5 Unit 5 Unit 5
My face I’m hungry Where I live Weather Let eat!
一上:U2 一下: U4 二上: U4 二下: U2 三上: U5
Unit 6 Unit 6 Unit 6 Unit 6 Unit 6
Yummy Fruit I’m thirsty Go out A sunny day Fruit market
一上:U6 一下: U5 二上: U4 二下: U2 三上: U5
Unit 7 Unit 7 Unit 7 Unit 7 Unit 7
Numbers Beautiful sky Best wishes Seasons How many?
一上:U4 二上: U6 二下: U3 三上: U6
Unit 8 Unit 8 Unit 8 Unit 8 Unit 8
Colors I can spell Holidays Days of the week Happy Birthday
一上:U5 二上: U6 二下: U6 三上: U6


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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: